Technical documentation know-how and services
Do you create technical documentation yourself, or do you want to outsource the creation or revision of technical documentation to an expert? So you’ve come to the right place.
Here you can find tools, links, and information that will help you design and write clear, concise, user-friendly manuals, online help systems, videos, and other forms of user assistance. Also you can find here trainings and a variety of high-quality services.
Bridging the knowledge gap
User assistance bridges the gap between what the user already knows and what the user needs to know.
Many people in charge believe that writing technical documentation doesn’t require any special qualifications.
From the technical point of view, this is quite true. Appropriate authoring software generates neat user manuals and online help systems with a click of a button.
The didactical side, however, is much more challenging. It’s no coincidence that so many people hate reading manuals and fail to use even simple products. This happens when a manual doesn’t reflect how users think, and when a manual presumes prior knowledge that users don’t have.
The skill of writing clear user assistance essentially is the ability to exactly bridge the gap between the users’ prior knowledge and the knowledge needed to use the product. User assistance shouldn’t challenge the user. Instead, it should build up confidence, motivate the user to explore the product, and guide the user along the shortest way possible.
Because “simple” is simply better!
Tools and services
On this website, you will find everything you need to develop high-quality technical documentation:
- If you create technical documentation yourself, you will find a market overview of the available creation tools for technical documentation in the Tool and Web Guide. You will also find a comprehensive directory of useful websites for working as a technical writer in the Tool and Web Guide. The Tool and Web Guide is completely free of charge.
- You can find best practices and tips in my books on creating technical documentation. See for yourself: Large parts of the books are freely available in a preview.
- If you need individual advice on the subject of technical documentation or training on creating technical documentation, I will support you personally at fair conditions.
- If you prefer to concentrate on your core tasks instead of creating your technical documentation in-house, I can take over the complete conception and creation of your technical documentation as a specialist.